EVE-NG broke bonded nics?

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EVE-NG broke bonded nics?

Post by nickolas » Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:48 am

Hello all,

I searched for any topic relating to bond or bond0 as I just put EVE-NG onto my Dell Server using the iso, and the installer let me create a bonded LACP network on my two 10G interfaces. The box then rebooted, and started the cloud init install of EVE-NG still on the bonded nic's, but when that started it's config, and I gave it the same management IP I used in the earlier config, it erased all of the previous network settings for all of these pnet[0-9] bridged NIC's and left me with no bonding config at all. I can manually set up the bond0 interface, but the example configurations I have tried in /etc/networks/interfaces are not allowing the networking.service to even start.

Advice on how I can restore the intended networking LACP interface?


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Re: EVE-NG broke bonded nics?

Post by kevintexas0106 » Fri May 05, 2023 1:48 am

EVE-NG is a widely used virtualization network software to deploy virtual network devices and test scenarios. EVE-NG is not a software compatible with all types of network hardware and drivers. getting over it

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Re: EVE-NG broke bonded nics?

Post by Vesarian » Tue May 09, 2023 9:40 am

Hi Nick,
How can I contact you? I also have the same topic. I think I can share something with you and you too. I hope that I can receive your feedback!
Luv, spacebar clicker

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Re: EVE-NG broke bonded nics?

Post by Jemis » Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:58 am

kuyhaago wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 9:10 am

It seems like you encountered some issues with the network configuration after installing EVE-NG on your Dell Server. It appears that when you provided the management IP during the cloud init installation, it erased the previous network settings for the bridged NICs (pnet[0-9]) and removed the bonding configuration, leaving you with no bonding configuration at all. Additionally, you mentioned that the example configurations you tried in "/etc/network/interfaces" are not allowing the networking.service to start.

To troubleshoot this issue, here are a few suggestions:

Verify network interface names: Double-check that the network interface names (e.g., pnet[0-9]) are correct and consistent across the configuration files.

Check network configuration files: Ensure that the configuration files in "/etc/network/interfaces" accurately reflect your desired network setup. You may need to modify the bonding configuration to match your specific requirements. Here's an example of a basic bonding configuration:

Copy code
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
bond-slaves eth0 eth1
bond-mode 802.3ad
bond-miimon 100
bond-downdelay 200
bond-updelay 200

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual
bond-master bond0

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet manual
bond-master bond0
Make sure to replace "eth0" and "eth1" with the appropriate interface names.

Check networking.service logs: Examine the logs for the networking.service to identify any specific errors or warnings that might be preventing it from starting. You can view the logs using the following command:
Copy code
sudo journalctl -u networking.service
Look for any error messages or clues about the issue that might help you further diagnose the problem.

Consult EVE-NG documentation or support: EVE-NG has its own documentation and support channels. You may want to refer to the official documentation or reach out to their support team for assistance with network configuration issues specific to the EVE-NG platform.
Remember to make backups of your configuration files before making any changes, so you can easily revert to a previous working state if needed. happy wheels
I see your point! I think it is the best way to solve.

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Re: EVE-NG broke bonded nics?

Post by Fowdasa » Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:38 am

LACP timeout occurs when 3 consecutive PDUs are missed. If LACP timeout is a fast timeout fnaf security breach the time taken when 3 consecutive PDUs are missed is 3 seconds (3x1 second). If LACP timeout is a slow timeout, the time taken is 90 seconds( 3x30 seconds).

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