api url to link interfaces between two nodes

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api url to link interfaces between two nodes

Post by chitiz » Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:13 am

Dear Team,

I need to connect a particular port of cisco iol (e1/3) to mgmt network(cloud1) and another(e0/0) to a switch(net). I have 45 cisco iol nodes. I scanned through the API doco (https://www.eve-ng.net/documentation/ho ... eve-ng-api) but could not find the reference for a link addition.
I could update a topology xml file directly using a customized script but I am wondering if there is any standard way of doing this.

Here is a snapshot of the topology XML file

<node id="1" name="Template" type="iol" template="iol" image="i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.2T.bin" ethernet="2" nvram="1024" ram="256" serial="0" console="" delay="0" icon="Router.png" config="1" left="609" top="231">
<interface id="0" name="e0/0" type="ethernet" network_id="2"/>
<interface id="49" name="e1/3" type="ethernet" network_id="1"/>
<node id="3" name="R3" type="iol" template="iol" image="i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.2T.bin" ethernet="2" nvram="1024" ram="1024" serial="0" console="" delay="0" icon="Router.png" config="1" left="600" top="399">
<interface id="0" name="e0/0" type="ethernet" network_id="2"/>
<interface id="49" name="e1/3" type="ethernet" network_id="1"/>
<node id="4" name="R4" type="iol" template="iol" image="i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.2T.bin" ethernet="2" nvram="1024" ram="256" serial="0" console="" delay="0" icon="Router.png" config="1" left="618" top="330">
<interface id="0" name="e0/0" type="ethernet" network_id="2"/>
<interface id="49" name="e1/3" type="ethernet" network_id="1"/>
<node id="5" name="R5" type="iol" template="iol" image="i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.2T.bin" ethernet="2" nvram="1024" ram="256" serial="0" console="" delay="0" icon="Router.png" config="0" left="531" top="564">
<interface id="0" name="e0/0" type="ethernet" network_id="2"/>
<interface id="49" name="e1/3" type="ethernet" network_id="1"/>

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Re: api url to link interfaces between two nodes

Post by ecze » Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:14 am


To be honest as we don't have currently to API documentation up to date, the best approach is to spy your browser using dev tool.
You will step by step what happens when connecting nodes( add network, update node1 interface , update node2 interface )



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Re: api url to link interfaces between two nodes

Post by Lychos1985 » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:52 pm

I could create a link between 2 nodes (EVE Community). These are the directions:

1. Create a network:
curl -X POST -d '{"count":1,"name":"<<Network-name >>","type":"bridge","left":693,"top":274,"visibility":1,"postfix":0}' -H 'Content-type: application/json'<<topology-na ... l/networks
- Response = {"id": <<network-id>>}

2. Attach your new network to 2 nodes:

curl -X PUT -d '{"<<port-id>>": <<network-id>>}' -H 'Content-type: application/json'<<topology-na ... interfaces
- Response = { 201 }

curl -X PUT -d '{"<<port-id>>": <<network-id>>}' -H 'Content-type: application/json'<<topology-na ... interfaces
- Response = { 201 }

3. hide network:

curl -X PUT -d '{"visibility":0}' -H 'Content-type: application/json' ... network-id>>
- Response = { 201 }
Best regards!!!

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