Cisco CSRv1000 16.x, 17.x

Versions this guide is based on:

EVE Image Foldername Downloaded Filename Version vCPUs vRAM Console
csr1000vng-universalk9.16.09.06.Fuji csr1000v-universalk9.16.09.06.iso 16.09.06 1 4096 telnet
csr1000vng-universalk9.17.03.02.Amsterdam csr1000v-universalk9.17.03.02.iso 17.03.02 1 4096 telnet
Other versions should also be supported following bellow’s procedure. Successfuly tested, Denali, Everest, Fuji, Gibraltar, Amsterdam CSRv1000 16.x and 17.x images.

Steps below are based on csr1000vng-universalk9.16.09.06.Fuji creation, for other image deployment, use proper names respectively.

1. SSH to EVE and login as root, from cli and create temporary working directory on the EVE’s root:

mkdir abc
cd abc

2. Upload the downloaded ISO CD image to the EVE using for example FileZilla or WinSCP.

3. Create new HDD for CSR installation:

/opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2  virtioa.qcow2 8G

4. Start CSR installation, it is very long CLI command with slider which are not visible using Edge or Chrome browsers. Please use Firefox browser!

/opt/qemu-2.2.0/bin/qemu-system-x86_64  -nographic -drive file=virtioa.qcow2,if=virtio,bus=0,unit=0,cache=none -machine type=pc-1.0,accel=kvm -serial mon:stdio -nographic -nodefconfig -nodefaults -rtc base=utc -cdrom csr1000v-universalk9.16.09.06.iso -boot order=dc  -m 4096

5. Once on the screen appears prompt, hit any key and choose 2rd option CSR 1000V Serial console and confirm with ENTER:

Press any key to continue.
Press any key to continue.
Press any key to continue.

    GNU GRUB  version 0.97  (639K lower / 3144696K upper memory)

 | CSR1000v Virtual (VGA) Console - 2020-10-31_13.56                       | 
 |*CSR1000v Serial Console - 2020-10-31_13.56                              |  
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UP and DOWN arrow keys to select which entry is 
Press <Enter> to boot the selected OS or `c' for a command-line.

6. IMPORTANT ! Wait till CSR installs and prompt the screenshowt below

*Aug 22 17:57:59.574: %IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_SRC: (rp/0): CD-ROM Boot
*Aug 22 17:57:59.598: %IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_CDROM: (rp/0): Using Serial console
*Aug 22 17:57:59.621: %IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_CDROM: (rp/0): Installing GRUB2 to /dev/bootflash
*Aug 22 17:58:00.676: %IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_CDROM: (rp/0): Copying image to /boot
*Aug 22 17:58:02.747: %IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_CDROM: (rp/0): Copying image to /bootflash
*Aug 22 17:58:04.628: %IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_CDROM: (rp/0): Creating grub configuration
*Aug 22 17:58:04.847: %IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_CDROM: (rp/0): Ejecting CD-ROM tray
*Aug 22 17:58:04.863: %IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_CDROM: (rp/0): CD-ROM Installation finished
*Aug 22 17:58:04.871: %IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_CDROM: (rp/0): Rebooting from HD
*Aug 22 17:58:06.104: %IOSXEBOOT-4-FACTORY_RESET: (local/local): This was not selected via cli. Rebooting like normal

7. Now exit from CSR installation and get to qemu prompt using key combo “ctrl+a”, release keys and then press key c”, once appears (qemu) type quit.

(qemu) quit

8. Create new CSR image target directory:

mkdir  /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/csr1000vng-universalk9.16.09.06.Fuji/

9. Move CSR HDD to target directory:

mv virtioa.qcow2 /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/csr1000vng-universalk9.16.09.06.Fuji/

10. Clean and fix permissions:

rm -rf abc
/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

CSR Image is created and ready to use, now you can open lab and your image will be visible under nodes csr1000v