Cisco FirePower 6.x images set

Old Versions, terminating soon, please follow to FirePower 7

Versions this guide is based on:

EVE Image Folderame Downloaded Filename vCPUs vRAM Interfaces NIC Type Console HDD Format
firepower6-NGIPS-6.2.0-362 Cisco_Firepower_NGIPSv_VMware-6.2.0-362.tar.gz 4 8192 3 e1000 vnc


firepower6-FMC-6.2.0-362 Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.0-362.qcow2 4 16384 1 virtio vnc/https


firepower6-FTD-6.2.0-362 Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-362.qcow2 4 8192 4 e1000 vnc virtioa
firepower6-NGIPS-6.6.90 Cisco_Firepower_NGIPS_VMware-6.6.0-90.tar.gz 4 8192 3 e1000

Qemu 2.4.0



firepower6-FMC-6.6.90 Cisco_Firepower_Mgmt_Center_Virtual_KVM-6.6.0-90.qcow2 4 28762 1 virtio vnc/https


firepower6-FTD-6.6.90 Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.6.0-90.qcow2 4 8192 4-8 e1000 vnc


For newer versions of Firepower 6 please follow for settings in the table above

Other versions should also be supported following bellow’s procedure.

Steps below are based on FirePower 6.x deployment, for other image deployment, use proper names respectively.You  Have to use your own cisco CCO to download images and obtain demo licences.

1. Deployment of Cisco_Firepower_NGIPSv_VMware-6.2.0-362

SSH to EVE and login as root, from cli and create temporary working directory on the EVE’s root:

mkdir /root/abc/

Upload the downloaded Cisco_Firepower_NGIPSv_VMware-6.2.0-362.tar.gz image to the /root/abc/ using  FileZilla or WinSCP.

Create new image folder:

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-NGIPS-6.2.0-362

From cli go to::

cd /root/abc/

Extract uploded image:

tar xvf Cisco_Firepower_NGIPSv_VMware-6.2.0-362.tar.gz

Convert and move image to EVE image folder:

/opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 Cisco_Firepower_NGIPSv_VMware-6.2.0-362-disk1.vmdk /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-NGIPS-6.2.0-362/sataa.qcow2

Remove tmp source directory

rm -rf /root/abc

2. Deployment of Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.0-362

SSH to EVE and login as root, from cli and create temporary working directory on the EVE’s root:

mkdir /root/abc/

Upload the downloaded Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.0-362.qcow2 image to the /root/abc/ using  FileZilla or WinSCP.

Create new image folder:

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-FMC-6.2.0-3622

From cli go to::

cd /root/abc/

Rename and move image to target directory:

mv Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.0-362.qcow2 /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-FMC-6.2.0-362/virtioa.qcow2

Remove tmp source directory

rm -rf /root/abc

3. Deployment of Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0

SSH to EVE and login as root, from cli and create temporary working directory on the EVE’s root:

mkdir /root/abc/

Upload the downloaded Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-362.qcow2 image to the /root/abc/ using  FileZilla or WinSCP.

Create new image folder:

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-FTD-6.2.0-362

From cli go to::

cd /root/abc/

Rename and move image to target directory:

mv Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-362.qcow2 /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-FTD-6.2.0-362/virtioa.qcow2

Remove tmp source directory

rm -rf /root/abc

WARNING ! These images are very heavy, and to run you will need servers with minimum 8 Core CPUs!!!

After Installation obtain FirePower demo licences from Cisco using your CCO and installed management centre MAC address.
