Palo Alto

Versions this guide is based on:

EVE Image Foldername Downloaded Filename Version vCPUs vRAM Console Qemu Version
1. paloalto-8.0.1 PA-VM-KVM-8.0.1.qcow2 8.0.1 2 4096 telnet 2.12.0
2. paloalto-9.0.X PA-VM-KVM-9.0.1.qcow2 9.0.x 4 8192 telnet 2.12.0
3. paloalto-10.1.1 PA-VM-KVM-10.1.1.qcow2 10.1.1 4 8192 telnet 2.12.0
4. paloalto-11.0.0 PA-VM-KVM-11.0.0.qcow2 11.0.0 4 8192 telnet 5.2.0


Other versions should also be supported following bellow’s procedure.

Method, deploying KVM .qcow2 image

1. Using our image table, create correct image folder, this example is for image 2. in the table above. It is paloalto 8.0.1 image. Per our image naming table we have to create image folder starting with paloalto-, lets do it.

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/paloalto-8.0.1/
2. Upload the downloaded image to the EVE /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/paloalto-8.0.1/  folder using for example FileZilla or WinSCP.
3. From the EVE cli, go to newly created image folder.
cd /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/paloalto-8.0.1/

4. Rename original filename to virtioa.qcow2

mv PA-VM-KVM-8.0.1.qcow2 virtioa.qcow2 

5.  Fix permissions:

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

Default username is admin with password admin.