Cisco ISE

Versions this guide is based on:

EVE Image Foldername Downloaded Filename Version vCPUs vRAM Console HDD
ise- ise- 4 16384 vnc/https virtioa
ise- ise- 4 16384 vnc/https virtioa
ise-3.3.0-430.SPA ise- 4 16384 vnc/https virtioa



ISE is SUPER heavy node !

Initial base/default image will be approx 16Gb

After you will setup it in the lab, it will take approx 80Gb extra HDD space. It will be for any new lab where you will setup ISE node. Another 8Gb. Plan your EVE HDD and be sure you have plenty of space on it.

Be careful.

Other versions should also be supported following bellow’s procedure.

KVM Supported versions and per this How To: 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.2, 3.3

Download installation ise- image, use your CCO account.

 1. Connect to your EVE via SSH and Create ISE image folder in the EVE.

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/ise-

2. Using WinSCP or FileZilla via SCP or SSH connect to your EVE and upload ise- file to this directory.

3. From EVE CLI go to your newly created ISE folder and renam uploaded ISO file to cdrom.iso.

cd /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/ise-
mv ise- cdrom.iso

4. Create virtio HDD for your ISE

/opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 virtioa.qcow2 200G

5. Create new LAB in the EVE and add new ISE node, connect it to you Home Management cloud (Cloud0). Settings for ISE node are: CPU x4, RAM x16384M, 1 xEthernet. Console VNC, during install first time.

Qemu line in Imge edit:

-machine type=pc,accel=kvm -smbios type=1,product=KVM -serial mon:stdio -nographic -no-user-config -nodefaults -display none -vga std -rtc base=utc


6. Start ISE node and when setup prompt appears, shutdown ISE node.


Commit created image for further use

7. Check lab ID number on EVE side bar “Lab details”, Example:

8. EVE CLI: Convert image from lab tmp folder to defaults image location. In the command below is used lab ID (above) and as we added on lab single node, node ID is 1. ISE image foldername match what we created before. Number 0 in the line below is user POD number. Admin pod is 0.

cd /opt/unetlab/tmp/0/72b1903b-4885-4a1c-b9e2-aed46032583a/1/
qemu-img commit virtioa.qcow2

9. Remove install CD ISO from image folder:

rm -f /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/ise-

10. Fix permissions:

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions 


Advanced instructions on how to make your image smaller in size (sparsify&compress). RECOMMENDED !

  1. After you have done all the steps above and your default image is created, you can compress its HDD and make it smaller.

IMPORTANT: for compressing an image you must have sufficient free space on your EVE host, the free space must exceed the total space (200GB in this example, We created 200Gb virtio HDD for ISE) of the HDD you plan to shrink. The space needed can vary but will be the total space of the disk to be shrunk plus the size of the final sparsified and compressed image. To be safe you should have double the size of the HDD you want to shrink as free space on your EVE host. In our example we needed 200GB +GB of free HDD space. Once this process is done, the temporary file(s) will be deleted and free space reclaimed.

  1. From the CLI: go to your ISE image directory:
cd /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/ise-

and perform the sparsify command:

virt-sparsify  --compress virtioa.qcow2 compressedvirtioa.qcow2
  1. This will take some time and another compressed image will be created in the same image directory
  2. now you can rename your original virtioa.qcow2 file to orig.qcow2
mv virtioa.qcow2 orig.qcow2
  1. Rename the compressed image name to virtioa.qcow2:
mv compressedvirtioa.qcow2 virtioa.qcow2
  1. now you can test your new compressed image on a lab, just wipe the node and start it.
  2. If the compressed node works fine, you can delete your original source image: 
rm orig.qcow2