Re-install and re-host EVE-PRO license

EVE-PRO license re-hosting or re-activation

If you decide to re-install EVE-PRO or move it to another host, please follow the steps below:Pre-requisites:

  • EVE must have internet access!
  • Only ONE EVE host must be turned ON and connected to the internet, do NOT have more than one EVE with the same license turned on at the same time!

Step 1. Make sure that you have only ONE EVE-PRO instance with this license running.

Step 2. Make sure you have unrestricted Internet access with a properly configured DNS server from your EVE machine or configure the firewall rule for EVE Licensing server access and license validation: Bidirectional (in/out)  allowed access to:

Step 3. Load your purchased license onto EVE server you want to rehost to.

Step 4. Reboot your new EVE

Step 5. Wait approximately 15 mins for the licence validation process to finish on the host.

  • NOTE: The re-hosted EVE server must have internet access to periodically validate the license. EVE receives a token with a licence validity time of 24 hours. During those 24 hours, the re-hosted EVE can be used offline. After 24 hours the token time expires and you have to get EVE online again (for approximately 30minutes) to receive a new token.

End User License Agreement (EULA)

EVE-PRO license de-activation on EVE host

If you decide to remove EVE-PRO license from host, please follow the steps below:

Log in in EVE CLI:

Type 3 commands:

cd /opt/unetlab/html/
rm eve-ng.lic
cp eve-ng.nolic eve-ng.lic


1. Download new EVE-PRO OVA or ISO

2. Install new EVE-PRO VM or bare machine. EVE-PRO Installation.

3. Make sure you have unrestricted Internet access with a properly configured DNS server from your EVE machine or configure the firewall rule for EVE Licensing server access and license validation: Bidirectional (in/out)  allowed access to:

4. Load your purchased license onto EVE server you want to rehost to.

5. Reboot your new EVE

6. Wait approximately 15 mins for the licence validation process to finish on the host.


Procedure to Backup content of EVE-PRO

NOTE: WARNING! The Backup to the new EVE must be completed before you create first lab in your EVE. It will avoid lab UIDD overlapping in the new EVE!

For backup EVE content copy following folders:




Optional: if you had created own templates in EVE-PRO then backup data below as well.
