How to upgrade EVE Community to the newest version

How to upgrade EVE Community to the newest version

Steps how to upgrade your EVE-NG Community to the newest version
Internet and DNS resolve the name is a must for your EVE before upgrade!

RED RULE: DO NOT upgrade your Ubuntu version even it is offered on CLI, EVE-NG OS version is 20.04. Upgrade to the newer Ubuntu will fail all your EVE !

First please check what EVE-NG Community version you have. SSH to your EVE-NG Community and type: dpkg -l eve-ng

This will show which version your EVE-NG Community has. 

dpkg -l eve-ng


If your EVE-NG Commuinty version is 2.0.3-XXX, then follow migrate content steps in Section A

If your EVE-NG Commuinty version is 5.0.1-XXX, then follow version upgrade steps in Section B


Section A, Content migration steps from your OLD EVE Community 2.0.3-XXX to the new version.

!!! NOTE: it is impossible migrate from EVE Community version 2.0.3.X to the newest EVE Community version 5.0.1.X. It is not supported, because EVE-NG Community is developed on the Ubuntu 20.04, and there is no support migrate distro from Ubuntu 16.04 to te Ubuntu 20.04.

1. Do the backup of your EVE-NG community folders:




2. Download and install newest EVE Community 5.0.1-XX.

3. Copy CONTENTS from your backup folders to the same loacion in the new EVE Community. DO NOT owerwrite whole backup directory on the new EVE Community !


Section B, Upgrade steps from your EVE Community 5.0.1-XXX to the new version.

If your EVE-NG Commuinty version is 5.0.1-X, then follow uprade steps below:

Update/Upgrade steps

1. Free up your EVE from older packages:

apt autoremove

2. make sure you have free space on EVE HDD, to check issue command. vg-root and /boot should not be in 100% or close to that.

df -h

3. Verify named ping, example, ping, if success, follow step 4. If ping is not success, check your DNS IP assigned for EVE.

4. Execute command

apt update

5. Execute command, when it prompt to confirm, answer “Y”

apt upgrade

NOTE: Making upgrade from older EVE Community version, installation can ask to confirm some of installation steps:

Answer for screenshot above, N

Answer for grub: Keep the local version currently installed

5. After installation is successfully finished, reboot your EVE
