Rollback EVE Professional to EVE Community

How to rollback EVE Professional to EVE Community

Steps how to rollback your EVE-NG Professional to EVE Community
1. To roll back from EVE-NG Pro to the Community Edition, issue the following commands in the CLI of EVE

 echo "drop database guacdb;" | mysql -u root --password=eve-ng mysql  

 apt update
 apt install eve-ng-guacamole
 apt install --reinstall eve-ng-guacamole 

 apt install eve-ng

 systemctl disable docker

 systemctl disable docker.service

 systemctl stop docker.service

 systemctl disable udhcpd

2. Reboot EVE

WARNING: Labs built with features that are only available in EVE PRO will be limited to the features offered in EVE Community. Multi-configuration sets for labs will be lost, as only the initial default configuration will remain upon completion of the roll back. Please backup all device configs before rolling back.